We now offer premium products from ProVia


Window Depot USA of Raleigh is proud to offer Replacement Windows from ProVia.  This includes the #1 quality-rated Endure vinyl replacement window line, as well as the incredible Aeris real-wood hybrid window.

In addition to windows, we’re also authorized to offer ProVia’s fiberglass and steel Entry Door systems.

This is a partnership we’re very proud of.  Learn more below.



“Caring for details in ways other won’t.”

ProVia is nestled within the rolling hills of Sugarcreek, Ohio, the heart of the nation’s largest Amish population. The company was started in a garage by Bill Mullet more than 40 years ago and has grown into a nationally known, award-winning manufacturer of high-quality entry door systems and energy-efficient, vinyl replacement windows.

ProVia has built a reputation in the building products industry for quality, old-world craftsmanship and personal care for customers, which extends to every part of our culture.

Learn more about Provia.

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ProVia Partnering with Window Depot USA, Best Windows in Raleigh“We’re trying to bring more value to the homeowner than any other company in the marketplace. ProVia’s values line up with ours, perfectly. They have a culture that stands for integrity and service. And they strive to provide the highest quality product and customer experience…as they say, ‘in ways others won’t’. When you combine this with their #1 quality ranking (2019 brand use study by Remodeling Magazine), national footprint and financial stability…we knew ProVia was the right product for our clients.”

– Brad and Mrs Jackson

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