No Obstacles Were Going To Stop Us From
Coming Through For Rose And Jim G.

See How Our Problem-Solving Skills Support
Top-Notch Window Replacement In Raleigh

Lots of things can happen during window replacement in Raleigh. Most of the time, the process goes smoothly from the very beginning. However, sometimes, serious issues arise before or during installation.

That was the case when Rose and Jim G. hired us to replace a non-standard triple window in their home. In fact, we ran into notable obstacles during both phases of their project.

But as Rose and Jim found out, Window Depot Of Raleigh is committed to finding solutions to even the most complex installation challenges. Here’s how we overcame all potential setbacks and helped them get the replacement window of their dreams.

An Issue Arises During Window Replacement Planning

Rose and Jim asked us to replace a couple of window units in their Raleigh-area home. The first unit featured a standard side-by-side layout of two windows.

However, the second unit was anything but standard. It featured a large, triple-window design of unusual dimensions. What’s more, there was a curved transom above the middle window.

Replacing the first unit would be a breeze. But the second unit presented us with significant challenges.

Not only did we need a new unit that fit precisely in the old, non-standard window opening. We needed to match every stylistic detail of Rose and Jim’s home.

It was time for the team at Window Depot Of Raleigh to get to work.

The Solution – A Coordinated Effort From Our Team

The first step was taking a dead-accurate measurement of the window opening. We left this task in the hands of Dave, one of our highly experienced installers.

Next, our design consultants got together with Rose and Jim to determine the details of the new window. This took quite a bit of back and forth, as well as problem-solving on our end. But before long, we’d come up with the right window configuration and style for the situation.

Once Rose and Jim were happy with the results of our work, we placed their order with the manufacturer. All the while, team member Jobe coordinated the process behind the scenes.

The result of this coordination? Completion of the replacement windows on a faster schedule than we first projected.

Window Depot Of Raleigh installer Dave at work on the project

Problems With The Replacement Window Installation

On the scheduled day, Dave and his crew arrived promptly to remove the old windows and install their replacements. As expected, installation of the two-window unit was quite straightforward.

However, a problem quickly emerged when we removed the old three-window unit –  previously hidden damage in the surrounding frame. This damage was extensive enough to prevent installation that day.

Needless to say, Rose and Jim were disappointed. We wanted to get the project back on track ASAP, so we quickly formulated our next steps.

Repairing The Frame And Completing The Job

Rose and Jim were already working with a general contractor on other home improvements. Dave met with this contractor, and together, they developed a plan for moving forward.

When the plan was complete, we rescheduled the installation. In the meantime, the contractor repaired the window frame according to Dave’s specifications.

On the new installation day, Dave again arrived on time and ready to work. Along with his crew, he maneuvered the new window unit and transom into place. As expected, they fit like a glove.

What did the homeowners think of the job we’d done? Here’s what they had to say in their online review:

Dave did a masterful job of installation of the window and transom. The finished project is very solid, looks beautiful, and will enhance the appearance and comfort of our home for many years.

We couldn’t be more pleased with Window Depot and how they worked with us to find and customize the right product, and also helped us get through the situation with the unforeseen damage, all leading to a fantastic result.”

  • Rose and Jim G.

Nothing makes us happier than a homeowner who’s so pleased with our work that they just have to tell the world!

Your Go-To Experts At Window Depot Of Raleigh

Want a team that will work this hard on your window replacement project? Contact Window Depot Of Raleigh today for your free estimate. No matter the situation, we always go the extra mile to provide premium results for you and your household.