Is It Time To Replace Your Windows? Discover
The Six Benefits Of Energy-Efficient
Window Replacement In Raleigh
Why Energy-Efficient Replacement
Windows Are The Way To Go
The wind howls as a thunderstorm rolls through the area, and while you hear the wind forcefully blowing outside, you notice your curtains are moving a bit. This is one of the ways many homeowners realize they need window replacements in Raleigh.
Homeowners who start to feel the wind coming in around their windows, notice their electric bills are getting higher, and want to update their home turn to energy-efficient replacement windows for their home.
And you can’t go wrong with energy-efficient replacement windows from Window Depot Of Raleigh!
But why should you go with energy-efficient window replacements? After all, you may pay more for an energy-efficient window than a cheap box store replacement window. So, why do it?
Let’s check out the six reasons why energy-efficient window replacements are the only way to go.
1. More Money In Your Pocket With The
Right Window Replacement
Replacing your windows is a costly upgrade to your home. Thus, you want to make sure that the money you spend on this project is going to pay you more in the long run. Investing in energy-efficient windows means that they pay you back every month when you get your electric bill.
An energy-efficient window can greatly reduce heating and cooling costs. It prevents the outdoor temperature from penetrating your home through the windows.
If you have ever experienced a drafty window, you can attest to how much the outdoor temperature makes it into your home. During the summer, your HVAC is running harder to cool your home, and during the cooler months in North Carolina, you may feel as though the heat can’t keep up.
Every time your HVAC is struggling, you’re spending more money because you’re using more energy. So, by investing in energy-efficient windows, you will see more money in your pocket compared to keeping your old, drafty, and outdated windows.
2. Ensure Your Raleigh Home Is Comfortable Year Round
Can you imagine sitting in your living room, watching television while the sun blares outside, but you feel completely comfortable inside your home? Or better yet, while the neighbors mow their yard, you don’t need to turn the television up to hear it?
Energy-efficient replacement windows ensure comfort – not only with your home’s temperature but also by blocking outside noise.
Who doesn’t want to be intensely comfortable in their own home? New windows are just one of the first steps to making this possible!
3. Possible Tax Incentives For Installing Energy
Efficient Replacement Windows
Yes, you read that right. You could qualify for a few tax incentives when installing energy-efficient windows in your home!
Plans like the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit are an option for just about any homeowner. They allow you to deduct a percentage of the costs of installing energy-efficient windows from your taxes.
There are also rebate programs that some homeowners may qualify for that help to pay for these energy-efficient window installations. These are based on income, so not everyone qualifies.
These are just state-based programs; you may get incentives from your energy provider, the federal government, or local community programs.
4. You Will Be Well On The Path To A Greener
Carbon Footprint In Raleigh
Most everyone is in agreement that we have to do whatever we can to ensure that we take care of the Earth. While you may not be on board with an all-electric vehicle yet, you can do your part with energy-efficient windows.
Since energy-efficient windows allow you to be more comfortable in your home while reducing the use of your HVAC units – it ensures less power usage. Hence, it is a step in the right direction to reducing your carbon footprint.
5. Replacement Windows Could Increase Your Home Value
Are you looking to sell your home in the upcoming months or even in the next year? Installing energy-efficient windows can be a selling point for your home. And let’s face it, when you’re competing with several other homes to wow potential buyers, anything helps.
Buyers are more likely to buy a home that has newer, energy-efficient windows than they are an older home that has yet to be upgraded. After all, who has time to start small projects throughout a home just purchased?
Could you increase your selling price because of your windows? You may be able to! You may recoup the cost of installing these upon selling your home.
6. Energy Efficient Window Replacements Protect
The Interior Of Your Home Better
Look around where your windows allow the sun to stream in. Do you see furniture that is fading? Maybe your floor looks different in these sections? Are your window treatments looking as though they are years older than what they are?
Old windows cause faded floors, furniture, window treatments, and more. Why? Because the windows allow damaging UV rays to make their way into your home. New, energy-efficient windows will stop UV rays with their special coatings.
And for you, that means no more fading furniture, window treatments that stay beautiful for years, and no hiding faded areas in your floor with a throw rug.
Are you ready to replace your windows in Raleigh? The Window Depot of Raleigh offers energy-efficient window replacements that will look amazing in your home and offer numerous benefits. To get started in Raleigh, call the Window Depot of Raleigh for your free estimate!